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Stick on Labels
Stick-On Labels for South Africans Word has spread, and so, the ever-increasing demand for our comprehensive ranges of personalised labels has made us one of South Africa’s top choices for labels, most of which are of the handiest, practical stick-on variety. Why Stick-On? A stick-on label is, without any smidgeon of doubt, the easiest, simplest way of putting a name or other brief bit of information on an enormous array of items. The application possibilities are almost unlimited. Think vehicle batteries, power generators, wine and soft drink bottles, packaged fresh produce, luggage, parcels, prescription medicines…you name it, and it probably...

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Clothing Stickers for School
Absolutely Invaluable Clothing Stickers for School One can scarcely believe how quickly 2021 has flown by. It seems like only a few months ago that you were purchasing new school clothing and wishing that you had an easy, quick method with which to affix your children’s names to their newly acquired garments – perhaps something like the stickers used to identify your young ones’ own schoolbooks. Great News Take heart, moms and dads. We at Labels4School have great news for you, applicable right now, as this year draws to a close and 2022’s school year is imminent once more. In...

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Reward Stickers
Reward Stickers that Praise, Encourage, and Motivate At each school term’s end, children eagerly anticipate and await their report cards. How have they performed? Is it better, worse, or the same as last time? Parents do likewise, recognising the future far-reaching implications of a school report. Teachers undoubtedly feel the same, since they can only record actual results, objectively. However, today’s approved and widely accepted methods of teaching are a far cry from those employed in days gone by, thankfully. “Rule by fear”, “crack the cane”, and teaching children to repeat lessons and facts parrot-fashion are old-school teaching methods that...

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Gifts for Teachers
Perfectly Personalised Gifts for Teachers As 2021 inevitably draws to a close, it is almost that time of the year once again – year-end, the festive season, the major annual holiday season in South Africa, a time when most businesses close their doors for a while, enabling personnel to take a well-earned break. At Labels4School, we are currently still very busy preparing and dispatching our products, particularly those that are especially popular at this time of the year – gifts for teachers. A Time of Gifts Galore From a child’s perspective, Christmas is a time of gifts galore for everyone....

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Colour Name Labels
Get Creative with Colour Name Labels When your company’s name is “Labels4School”, as is our concern, it creates the expectation that the organisation will focus on products and aids that have a direct bearing on requirements and items designed and manufactured specifically for children attending school. To School and Back Home Again Labels4School offers a number of modern and fun products that are attractive to youngsters and are nevertheless very practical, functional, and time- and cost-saving for parents. This applies to any and all who are responsible for school gear – doing their very best to ensure that everything the...

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Book Covers / Sticky Sleeves
First in South Africa – User-Friendly Adhesive Book Covers As in other countries, life and living conditions in South Africa have been challenging for more than a year, greatly exacerbated by the advent of the dreaded coronavirus and measures that are taken to curb and contain the rapid spread of this infection and its potential complications. Masked and Back at School Fortunately, conditions have improved to such an extent that South African children are once again back at school, covered books and all, albeit wearing masks. Mask-wearing has had an unintended but beneficial knock-on consequence. Masks also provide a degree...
Customisable Clothing Label...
Customisable clothing labels are a practical and effective way to ensure that your child’s school uniforms are easily identifiable.
Kindness Colouring Pages
Printable KINDNESS Colouring pages It's COOL to be KIND! Treating people with kindness is the best thing that you can do,...